Wednesday, August 6, 2014

A Quick Update!

Well hello again strangers! I feel like it's been so long since I've shared my deepest secrets with yall!

I've actually been asked by a few people why I'm taking a break, so I thought I would just quickly let yall know what's going on in the beautiful life of Larissa.

Last September, I started having some medical issue stuff.  It was no big deal, I got some medicine and it went away.

But then it started coming back in June.  Finally it got to the point where I went to a new doctor, and while we don't really have any answers yet, the ideas that my doctor threw out for me were not exactly things I wanted to hear.

I'm going back in a couple days for more testing, and hopefully we can start to get some real answers.

Thankfully, I'm one very lucky girl who has a very loving, patient husband who is standing by my side through all of this and wonderful family and friends.

So right now, we're trying to be optimistic.  Worst case scenario, I might end up having surgery and some of the plans B and I made for the future may change a little. I'm trying my best not to freak myself out by googling stuff online before we hear a definite diagnosis.

Even though we are trying to be optimistic, if you feel so inclined and believe in the power of prayer, we wouldn't be opposed to people praying for us! Of course, that's all based on your personal religious/spiritual beliefs, so no pressure!

And maybe soon we will get back on a normal schedule of posting!

Thank you all for your love and support! It really means the world to both of us!

Here's a picture of me dressed as a Christmas tree for a work party! :)

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