Tuesday, July 15, 2014

I'll Be There for You, 'cuz You're There for Me Too!

Friendship is a single soul dwelling in two bodies. -Aristotle

When I first moved to Murfreesboro, it was really hard to say goodbye to all my friends.  Most of them stayed in Chattanooga and here I was, braving the new city by myself.

But every time I visit the ole 'Noog and I get to see those friends, it's like we just pick up right where we left off!

And now, I also have the friends I made here. And they're pretty freaking awesome too! (Even though some of them feel it's necessary to move away, cough cough :p)

But there's something special about my friends.

A little while ago, at a church devotional one night we were talking about friendship.  We learned that there are two types of friends: Friends who are with you and friends who are for you.  It's important to have friends who are both.  No matter what, they raise you up, support you, and stand by your side.  If something amazing happens to you, they don't get jealous.  They get excited too. If something bad happens, they're there to dry the tears or smash cds with hammers.

Let me introduce you to Anna.

If Aristotle is right, (which he is,) then Anna and I have no hope of ever being not friends.  My freshman year of high school we became best friends, and she's been my sister ever since! She even flew back from her family vacation early to go to my bachelorette party and bridal shower.  I know I've said that before, but I'm still amazed that I have such an amazing person who makes sacrifices like that for me!

From Sophomore year to the rehearsal dinner, Anna has always been to my side!

Having good friends is important.  Who you hang out determines at least a little bit who you become.  If you hang out with people who appreciate the fine things in life like a good chick flick (and chick-fil-a) and eating unhealthy amounts of Ben and Jerry's ice cream, chances are you're going to appreciate those same things too.  (And if you don't already appreciate those three things, you're wrong.) Alternatively, if you choose to surround people who think the only way to have fun involves alcohol and drugs, you're going to smell bad and make a lot of bad decisions.  

That one time our New Year's party consisted of star glasses and Minnie Mouse Ears!

And thanks to my friends, I've had countless nights of laughing until my abs hurt, new experiences (Publix deli salsa and Beatles Rockband anyone?) and relaxing days of hanging out at Chester Frost (for all you non-Chattanoogans, Chester Frost is "the beach" of Chatt. They created a whole sandy beachy thing on the lake complete with playground and enough piers to house the entire US Navy,) and those nights of energy drinks and taking out teenage angst on boys in various ways...

But if you ask me if who put all the soy sauce packets in that certain person's yard or broke the bottle of cologne in the parking lot at Walmart, I'll plead the fifth.

And my friends will back me up :)


  1. Oh darling! I love you so much!!!!! Aristotle is completely correct! I knew we would be friends forever since we ran around a gym singing bohemian rhapsody!! And then when we wrote stories about Mr. Uncrusty or course. Great post today!

  2. Love how I'm just there at the end without a caption loser
