Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Oh, Oh, Oh, O'Reilly

Well.  Yesterday was an adventure.

Let me begin this story with a little background information.  A while back, Blake's car wouldn't start. He tried the battery, starter, etc.  It took him literally all day and over 8 trips to O'Reilly before they finally gave him the right parts and he was able to get that dang thing to start.

Yesterday, he decided it was time to change his transmission oil and filter.  So we went to good ole' O'Reilly and began the process. Well. They gave us the wrong filter. We went back.  Later, we found out they gave us the wrong sealant.  We went back again.

It was still leaking.

Fast forward to 9:00 last night.  We were still at his dad's house. We were both tired, frustrated, and hungry.  Not a good combination.

He finally gave up, and we were all gathered around the table talking.  My sister-in-law then mentioned how this is really our first challenge since we got married.  She talked about how there were two ways to deal with situations with things like this: the good way and the bad way.  I thought I was justified in dealing with it the bad way- I was frustrated that I hadn't eaten anything and I wanted to go home and how dare he not be able to fix his car.

We finally got all packed up and borrowed his dad's car to get home. Then we realized we left the keys to our apartment. Back to the house we go.  I was almost at my breaking point.  But then I slammed the car door on my leg.  Well hello, break down. I ran into the apartment in tears, feeling sorry for myself.  But then I realized something.

Really, my day wasn't so bad.  I got to spend a while with him learning about cars.  And even though it was nasty hot and I got covered in sweat, it was fun.  And while he was still working with his dad to figure out the problem, I got to go swimming with the girls.  So really, why was I upset? Especially at him?

I realized that if the roles were reversed, I would be upset at him for not being supportive to me in such a stressful situation.  He had really tried to get it all fixed by himself, and it wasn't his fault there was some unidentifiable problem.  So I put on my big girl pants and tried to actually be supportive.

The morals of the story: 1. we're cursed when it comes to trying to go to O'reilly.  Hello, Auto Zone! 2. Just because you're hungry doesn't mean you have the right to be mean to your husband. 3. Sometimes adults have to suck up sucky things (ha! I'm soo funny!) and realize that even if you're frustrated at someone/something, that person/thing might need your love and support more than you know. 4. There really is a right way to deal with things.  Which means there's also really a wrong way.  And last but not least, 5. always keep a stash of snacks on hand :)

Update: As I'm typing this, the jeep is being towed and will hopefully be back to herself soon!! AAA is a wonderful thing!

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