Tuesday, July 22, 2014
The Couple Who Learns Together..
Well yall, we did it! We went out last night for our monthaversary! I even put on a dress, but no heels or makeup. And if I wear flats with a dress, that's when you know it's bad.
We had a nice little dinner then went to Target for a few minutes to buy exciting things like flea drops and new claw trimmers for our baby. Thrilling! Then we came home and nibbled at our wedding cake (which, if you didn't know, was made by my sister and brother-in-law!)
Oh, and I went to the doctor today! Turns out part of my inner ear is swollen, blocking the path of the fluids in my ear, causing drunken-sailor like balance and swimmy feelings every time I move. But, yay for getting some medicines that should help!
But. Back to the main point of this blog, learning how to be married! Yay!
There are about 1.9 million blogs and articles about how to be a good wife/husband. Some are from relationship experts, some are from couples, and this one is from Blake and me. Of course, every couple is different. What works for us is not necessarily what works for anyone else. But I'm hoping that at least one person who reads this blog will learn at least one thing.
Because I've learned a lot in just the one month we've been married.
For instance, people give us advice all the time. Some of it is sought out, some of it is unsolicited. But the great thing is, I have learned that we can choose to listen to the advice or we can choose to reject it and do things our way. My mother warned me about this from the beginning, and she said, it all comes from love.
But some of the best advice we have gotten:
"First, be nice." This nugget actually came from our photographer when we were taking engagement photos. If I remember right, this came from the officiant at his wedding to him and his wife. And I think it's just wonderful advice.
"Don't wait for the year mark to eat the cake" We all know the tradition is to freeze the top layer of cake and eat it on the 1 year anniversary, but I think everyone has told us that it doesn't really taste too great after that long. So, we ate it last night for our one month.
"Don't stop dating" B and I only get to see each other at night and on the occasional awesome lucky day that we both have off. We realize this is part of growing up, but to keep any relationship healthy, time together is a must. So, we eat dinner together as much as we can, and when we can afford it we go out. When we're tight on money, we find creative ways to have "dates" like making dinner together, having a play date in the pool, playing games together, or just walking around the mall (resisting the urge to buy) and talking. Dates are nice. Really nice.
I asked B what some of the more important things he's learned in the past month have been, and he gave these three great lessons. I'm so proud of him. He's just so cute yall. My husband is adorable.
The little things matter- Doing little things, saying little things, appreciating little things. For example, we make sure to never go to sleep without telling each other good night and a good night kiss. When we wake up, the first thing we do is a good morning kiss. And when either of us leaves or returns from work, the first thing is goodbye/hello kiss. Also, it's important to let your partner in on the little emotional things and little secrets. Little touches. One thing that B and I have always heard is that we're too touchy in public. (Sorry not sorry!) But physical touch is a good nonverbal way to show love.
His second things was "There's nothing better than coming home and seeing your wife" (I promise these are his words, not mine! Feel free to ask if you don't believe me :)) Because of the ways our schedules work out, I usually get off about 6 hours before he does. So 6/7 days I'm already home by the time he gets back. Which also means I have ample time to do the laundry and tidy up a bit :)
Other than that, I can't really speak for what it feels like to come home to a wife. However, I do know that it's a wonderful feeling to know that any second now, my husband could walk through the door (Cue door opening and.... Even though I had to stop typing for a while, Ta Da! Yay! He's home!)
And last but not least, do something for each other every day, even if it's something small. B is the champion of this. every morning when I'm getting ready for work, he makes the bed or gets Addy her food or gets all my stuff together. Those little things may not take a lot of effort to do, but they show a lot of love. While I was sick, he brought he dinner in bed every night, cuddled and massaged me, and even read to me. And if there's one thing I love, it's a good bedtime story.
Throughout this month, we've made a few mistakes, had a blast, and loved every minute of learning together. We've even decided to come up with a list of goals for improvement in the areas that we feel need a little more work and learning.
But I've learned that learning together is just another great part of marriage :)
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